22 November 2005

so so so close

T minus one week and a few hours!
Also, T minus a serious crapload of work to do.
Yeah. About that...

10 November 2005

first entry time! excellent.

Hey all!
I'm just making a quick post here to test things out and see how it looks with the layout.
For those of you who already have the URL of this thing, I'll start updating for real probably around the 25th or so, maybe later. Feel free to check back then to read something of real substance!

In the meantime, I'm doing all kinds of freak outs about getting my work done before I leave. This weekend is college application time, hurrah! They're all due on the 15th, which is Tuesday-- and then I get to switch my attentions to my IB Theory of Knowledge presentation and my extended essay.
Should be awesome.

As always, if you want to get in touch with me, send me an email! The address is in my profile.