09 January 2006

the negev

So today I went here. Israel's Negev Desert-- over 50% of the country's land with less that 10% of it's population. All my friends pressed their foreheads to the windows with bleary eyes and said,
"It's so strange, it's so beautiful; only in Israel."
But looking out at those wicked badlands, rough bushes and sharp stones, I couldn't help but feel like I was home. The Negev was nothing new to me; as Uri stood in front of the group talking about the solitude the desert could offer, the clarity of mind it could give, I found myself thinking
I know. I live here.
Because I do, I really do live here. Scrambling up the backbone of a mock crater, squinting down at the dull earth bulging up around me, I understand more than ever that I am, first and foremost, a Citizen of the Desert. No matter where I go, the intensity and the emptiness of desert will always make my freedom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Dory, this one made your mom cry.


1:23 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jim... while not being your mom, I got a little choked up too... that might be a bad sign. That is so funny that while your away looking for new experiences something so tied into your roots could pull you back into an alternate reality of who you are.

Just know I'll go backpacking/hiking/biking/star-gazing/canyonering(sp?) or rafting with you in that desert home anytime you want. Its where us "nature" chicks belong.

Love, Lauren

8:04 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen. sort of like the tuscan raiders. sort of like that.

9:36 PM PST  

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