02 January 2006

after 1.5 hours listening to an auschwitz survivor...

"Surviving a camp like Auschwitz is not just a miracle, it is a string of miracles. To survive, you needed a few miracles per day."

"Many of us who did not think we had a chance went to the wire. That is what we called it, going to the wire. It was electrocuted barbed wire, 40,000 volts. They would say, we don't have a chance, why should we suffer? One day more, one day more. So they went to the wire."

"Before Auschwitz I was a young kid, in Auschwitz I became an old man. I learned everything about life there. It is the university you can imagine-- if you can survive it."

"I go back to Auschwitz usually two times a year, I make pilgrimage...why do I go back? To pay my respects to the memory of those who did not come back. The second reason is...that I can tell my taxi to meet at the front gate at say, 3:00, and it will wait for me. I can go in and out. I can leave Auschwitz as a free person every day."


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